
It is time to go abroad to the spa town and ski resort of Cauterets! Located in western France, the thermal springs of the area have attracted famous families, such as the Bonapartes and Victor Hugo. The springs were known well before that as a favorite of Queen Marguerite’s sister in the 15th century.

Visitors took advantage of the presence of sulphur and silicate soda, which are used in treatment of respiratory organs, rheumatism, and skin diseases. After baths, there were operas, dancing, and cinemas. The Théatre de la Nature was an open-air theatre in a circus of mountains. The next morning tourists could grab breakfast at Co de Riou, a restaurant situated in the mountains.

Today, the town is a vacation destination with winter sport enthusiasts who enjoy downhill and cross-country skiing.




Cauterets. France-Voyage. Website.

Cauterets. (Medical Trade Ephemera Collection) Historical Medical Library of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.